June 01, 2018

Budweiser signs on as naming rights partner for Budweiser Stage

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About Sponsor:

Budweiser is a 5.0% abv American-style lager introduced in 1876 by Adolphus Busch and one of the highest selling beers in the United States. It is made with up to 30% rice in addition to hops and barley malt.Budweiser is produced in various breweries located around the world. It is a filtered beer available in draught and packaged forms.

About Property:

The Budweiser Stage, previously known as the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre,[2][3][4] is a concert venue in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is located on the grounds of Ontario Place and hosts many diverse acts, including genres like rock, pop and jazz. The first musician to perform here was Bryan Adams on May 18, 1995.

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