February 14, 2019

Sunday Goods signs on as official sponsor for Noise Pop Music Festival

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About Sponsor:

Sunday Goods is a sun-grown cannabis company initially established in Arizona to help people Feel Good™️ by finding a cannabis experience that's just right for them. With high quality products spanning flower, edibles, pre-rolls, topicals and oils, Sunday Goods uses all-natural methods to respect and preserve the qualities of the original plant.

About Property:

Noise Pop Festival is an annual week-long music and arts festival that takes place throughout the San Francisco Bay Area produced by Noise Pop. Since 1993, Noise Pop Festival has provided exposure to some emerging artists, many of which have gone on to widespread acclaim, including The White Stripes, Modest Mouse, Death Cab for Cutie, The Flaming Lips, The Shins, Fleet Foxes, Bright Eyes and Yoko Ono.

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