Silo The Film is a feature film launching this summer at the largest outdoor farming show in the world, the Farm Progress Show. The film is a dramatic thriller about a grain entrapment accident and rescue on a family farm. It is a race against the clock that portrays the American farmer with a heart-warming authenticity unlike any other film.
Our main event at the show is going to be a performance and song release by chart topping country music artist Easton Corbin, who has written an ori...
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Silo The Film is a feature film launching this summer at the largest outdoor farming show in the world, the Farm Progress Show. The film is a dramatic thriller about a grain entrapment accident and rescue on a family farm. It is a race against the clock that portrays the American farmer with a heart-warming authenticity unlike any other film.
Our main event at the show is going to be a performance and song release by chart topping country music artist Easton Corbin, who has written an original song for the film. We are currently looking to take on sponsors for that event in order to increase our visibility and the scope of what we will be able to do at Farm Progress.