Sponsorpitch & Fabulously Fit Fitness,LLC


Shuntella Whitfield
Fabulously Fit Fitness,LLC
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About this opportunity

Fabulously Fit is a program designed to help you reach goals for better health and fitness. The program will support you through accountability-testimonials by others, as role models, who have been successful in achieving these goals. Our program will cheer you on when you stumble, and highlight your successes, great and small. Fabulously Fit will provide information about nutrition, local exercise classes (their times and cost), and networking opportunities with others on similar journey...
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Fabulously Fit is a program designed to help you reach goals for better health and fitness. The program will support you through accountability-testimonials by others, as role models, who have been successful in achieving these goals. Our program will cheer you on when you stumble, and highlight your successes, great and small. Fabulously Fit will provide information about nutrition, local exercise classes (their times and cost), and networking opportunities with others on similar journeys. Our program will aide you by being that workout buddy who will inspire and teach you to LOVE YOU FIRST and to help you realize you are worthy of living a happy, loving and healthy life.