Oct 18, 2011 at 07:23 PM
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Air Force Aims To Recruit New Partners With Sponsorship Website

Air Force say their community has a combined purchasing power of $30 billion, and now the Air Force officials who are tasked with commercializing Air Force assets are looking to do a better job of spreading the word to potential sponsors.

To increase awareness of sponsorship, Air Force Services Agency officials today are launching www.ReachTheAirForce.com-- the official Air Force MWR commercial sponsorship website. The new site is more informative and user friendly, said Rita Shrewsbury, the marketing specialist and commercial sponsorship program manager.

"Now it's interactive, providing demographic information for stateside bases," Shrewsbury said. "It also offers viewers an easy registration capability to stay engaged with those MWR programs currently operated by the Air Force Services Agency for Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Coast Guardsmen and families at Air Force installations worldwide."

The site also features information and schedules for top Air Force MWR programs and events such as Tops in Blue performances, air shows, Air Force sports competitions and youth programs, she said. In addition to the new site, Air Force marketing officials will attend more trade shows and national conferences to further develop relationships with private industry professionals to raise awareness of MWR program sponsorship opportunities.

For more information about the Air Force Commercial Sponsorship program, visit www.ReachTheAirForce.com.