Dec 17, 2012 at 02:03 PM
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Diesel Will Pay $6.5M To Sponsor Rialto Bridge Renovation

Tod's €25 million sponsorship for the restoration of Rome's Coliseum it seems was only the first in what it seems will be a wave of sponsored cultural renovations across Italy. In the latest, a company headed by Renzo Rosso, the founder and owner of Italian jeans maker, Diesel, has agreed to spend $6.5 million to sponsor renovation of Venice's Rialto Bridge. This latest municipal partnership comes as Italy is increasing its appeal to private sponsors to fund renovation of its aging monuments.

In return for supplying the funding for renovation, Rosso's company, Only The Brave, Reuters reports will project advertising images onto the bridge, hold publicity events at landmark sites and will place its Diesel brand logo on Venice's ubiquitous water taxis.

"I hope the campaign will not be invasive," Rosso said Friday. "Rialto is the most beautiful bridge in the world and it reflects our style."


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