Nov 02, 2009 at 05:13 PM
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Ecko Joins NY's "Free MMA" Fight

Never a stranger to a fight, master marketer Mark Ecko's MMA brand is joining the battle to legalize the sport in New York and Toronto.

Ecko MMA has partnered with legendary extreme sports producer, Bobby Razak, to raise the profile of MMA's fight for legalization in New York. Despite gaining support in other states, New York continues to uphold its ban on MMA events. In a new commercial campaign and series of shorts, Razak illustrates the current situation in New York.

Is jumping into a legal fray by sponsoring commemorative tee-shirts and commercials a good idea? Many brands would shy away from the controversial topic. Then again, few marketers would drop $750K on a baseball or attempt to graffiti a fake Air Force One (see video on why).

The next great guerilla marketing tactic for Ecko MMA?