Mar 28, 2012 at 08:15 PM
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Mark Cuban on Jersey Sponsorship: "For $25 Million, It's Done"

If the price is right, at least one owner, and probably quite a few others, are in favor of jersey sponsorship in the NBA. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram caught up with Dallas Mavericks owner/shark/billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban to talk about the hot topic, which will be considered at this April's NBA board meeting.

Using Go Daddy as an unlikely example, Cuban told the paper "if there are three people offering us $25 million each, they can put it [logos] wherever they damn well please."

He qualified the statement by saying that logos would never replace the words Dallas or Mavericks, but that shorts would be good real estate for a corporate partner's logo.

"If the amount's enough, David will jump up and down," Cuban continued. "He's not going to do it for $200,000 from Power Balance, but if somebody offers us $25 million, it's done.

The dig at Power Balance, the Sacramento Kings naming rights partner, is no surprise if you watch Shark Tank on a regular basis.
