Oct 26, 2010 at 11:48 PM
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Mo. Attorney General Calls Dish Net Sponsorship 'Deceptive Advertising'

Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster today called on Dish Network to discontinue activation that publicizes the company as the "official tv sponsor of the St. Louis Blues," because the sattelite company has not provided Blues games and other offerings to its customers for nearly a month due to a carriage dispute with FOX.

In a new release put out by the Missouri Attorney General, Koster said "Dish continues to advertise to potential customers that by signing up with the company they will be able to watch the St. Louis Blues games."

"In fact, Dish customers are not able to watch the Blues games, and have no assurance that they will be able to do so in the future," Koster said. "Such advertisements mislead consumers and should be attended to by Dish Network."

Koster said that while the office recognizes that Dish and Fox are locked into difficult negotiations, Missouri consumers must not be the party bearing the consequences of their multimillion dollar dispute.

"Our job is to protect consumers from unfair business practices, and that is why we are asking that Dish Network address how they are treating current customers and how they are advertising to Missouri citizens," Koster said.