Jul 10, 2012 at 01:07 PM
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Molson: Plant A Coaster, Win Tix To A Concert

For the second year running, Canadian beer giant, Molson, is activating its festival sponsorships with the Molson Canadian Red Leaf Project. By participating in 100 sustainability projects across Canada, music fans can win tickets to festivals that the brand has sponsored. This year, however, the brand is shaking things up with a clever on-pack promotion to support The Red Leaf Project. As PSFK writes, Molson has has put plantable coasters... yes, plantable coasters.. in specially-marked can packs, which will grow into Black Spruce trees if you plant and water them.

"Participation in the program last year exceeded our expectations and it re-affirmed for us that Canadians care deeply about the environment and really want to make a difference," says Dave Bigioni, Senior Marketing Director, Molson Coors Canada. "That passion inspired us to expand the program this year, and we are inviting thousands of Canadians from over 100 communities to come out and get their hands dirty to make their backyards even better."

In year one of the project, Molson says it planted over 110,000 trees throughout Canada.
