Nov 01, 2011 at 07:07 PM
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Survey Says 3-6 Months Ideal Lead Time For Planning Sponsorship Activation

IMR and Think!Sponsorship created a joint industry survey in September to find out what the key issues in the industry are and where professionals believe the industry is heading. The results provide some useful information on what's on the mind of sponsorship pros. Some of the most interesting findings centered on activation. For instance, nearly 41% of respondents believe that the duration of activations has become shorter over the past two years (as compared to 28% believing longer), which IMR/Think!Sponsorship says may indicate that sponsors are tailoring activation to "a world in which attention spans tend to be reduced." And then there's the question of how long brands should typically devote to planning activation prior to the event. Here's what the survey uncovered..


What do you think? How far in advance do/should sponsors spend planning activation prior to an event?