UFC: Undisputed Takes Sponsorship to a New Level
If you're not a UFC fan or a gamer, you may not know about the sponsorship features in UFC's official licensed game, UFC 2009: Undisputed. The game, developed in a licensing deal with THQ, was released last May.
To our knowledge there are three main levels of sponsor involvement in the title. Let's break them down.
Check out the UFC Undisputed 2009 list of partners for more info.
Every property is challenged with the task of efficiently enhancing sponsor value proposition while creating new streams of revenue growth. With the rise in virtual, console, online and mobile gaming; are properties packaging sponsor assets in these environments to the best of their abilities?
Time was that in-game billboards and static sponsor signage was considered revolutionary. Of course, that time was when I was growing up with titles like Excitebike and Duck Hunt.
THQ and UFC have taken sponsor involvement to a whole new level with this title. Online gaming's relatively new ability to offer, track, adjust tailored sponsor offers could present a gold mine of possibilities to properties and their sponsors. Or perhaps, such as in this case, use the title as a way to pad compensation.
Can other properties step up their game... using games??
photo courtesy of ufcundisputed.com