When All Else Fails..
File this one away in it could always be worse. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has a story today entitled "Footy club fattens the sheep" that claims a local football club has abandoned sponsorship in lieu of 300 sheep. Yep, that's right. 300 sheep.
The president of the club's social committee says the team must find ways to be self-sufficient and not reliant on sponsors so team members have chosen to raise and sell 300 sheep in an effort to raise necessary funds.
"Hopefully, we'll make 10 to 15 grand out of this little venture, and a couple of cartons of beer are on the line for the person that has the most weight gain, and a couple of cartons to owe for the person that's least," President of the club's social committee Tysan Mickan says.
photo credit via flickr: pasotraspaso