April 10, 2018
Avon signs on as presenting sponsor for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

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Avon Products, Inc. is a US cosmetics, perfume and toy seller with markets in over 140 countries across the world and sales of $9.9 billion worldwide as of 2007.

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Cancer touches more than just the people diagnosed. It has an impact on everyone around them. That's why the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk unites communities to celebrate people who have battled breast cancer, educate people about ways to reduce their risk, and empower communities to join the fight. Every dollar you raise and every step you take will save lives by helping people stay well and get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back against breast cancer. Since 1993, nearly 8 million walkers have raised more than $450 million to help fight breast cancer through participating in the noncompetitive, 3- to 5-mile events.

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ATLANTA, April 10, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Two iconic leaders in the fight against breast cancer joined forces today, as the American Cancer Society announced that Avon will be the national presenting sponsor for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, the nation's largest network of breast cancer events, held in more than 200 communities across the country. Leaders from Avon and the American Cancer Society announce Avon’s sponsorship of Making Strides Against Breast Cancer to Avon Representatives. Pictured (L to R): Howard Byck, VP, Corporate Alliances and Solutions, American Cancer Society, Susan Petre, VP Staff Events and Innovations, American Cancer Society, Sharon Byers, Chief Development and Marketing Officer, American Cancer Society, Betty Palm, President, Social Selling, New Avon LLC and Scott White, Chief Executive Officer, New Avon LLC.More
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