November 29, 2017

John Hancock signs on as official sponsor for California International Marathon

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John Hancock Financial is a loose term for a United States insurance company which existed, in various forms, from its founding on April 21, 1862, until its acquisition in 2004 by the Canadian insurance company Manulife Financial. It was named in honor of John Hancock, a prominent patriot. The company continues to operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of Manulife and its headquarters remains in Boston, Massachusetts. John Hancock Financial Network is the retail distribution company of John Hancock Life Insurance Company, U.S.A., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Manulife Financial Corporation.

About Property:

The California International Marathon (CIM) is a 26-mile, 385-yard road race in Northern California organized by the Sacramento Running Association. The course follows a historic gold miners' round beginning at Folsom Dam, passing through suburban Sacramento, and ending at the State Capitol. The race starts at an elevation of 366 ft. and finishes at an elevation of 26 ft.[1]

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BOSTON, Nov. 29, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Twine by John Hancock is partnering with USA TODAY SPORTS Active Alliance to become the Official Financial Services Partner of the California International Marathon, in a reflection of John Hancock's focus on healthy living and financial health. In addition, through this partnership, John Hancock, the longtime principal sponsor of the Boston Marathon, is offering the Boston Bound Sweepstakes.
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