Indianapolis-based Keraunowill grace the sidepods of both Marco Andretti and Alexander Rossi’s racingmachines for Sunday’s 90-lap race at Barber Motorsports Park. Thecommunications workflow software company has been a long-time partner of therace-winning team through its sister company Axia Technology Partners, whichhas provided Andretti Autosport with voice and managed networks services for sixyears. “We’ve had a strong relationship with AxiaTP for many years, andwe’re excited to grow and expand our partnership through Kerauno,” said Andretti AutosportCEO Michael Andretti. “The Keraunoworkflow solutions are being integrated into the Andretti Autosport offices,and have made a valuable impact in building efficiencies in our everydayprocesses. We’re looking forward to showcasing the lightning bolt on the 27 and98 cars this weekend.” Since launching as astandalone software business earlier this year, Kerauno is already experiencingsignificant momentum in both license and revenue growth. The company looks todouble company headcount by year’s end and is hoping to leverage itspartnership with Andretti Autosport’s Military to Motorsports program, whichhelps former active duty military personnel find meaningful careers in growthindustries like motor sports, communications and technology. “Oneof our initiatives for 2018 was to raise the general brand awareness of Keraunoand after several meetings with Andretti we felt there was no better place tostart. Aligning with two high caliberdrivers, a tremendous team and a program that pairs veterans with the workforcemade for an easy decision”, said Kerauno CEO Josh Ross. Andretti (No. 98 Kerauno /Curb Honda) and Rossi (No. 27 Kerauno / Honda) willjoin teammates Ryan Hunter-Reay (No. 28 DHL Honda) and Zach Veach (No. 26 GroupOne Thousand One Honda) to compete at the Honda Indy Grand Prix of AlabamaApril 22. The green flag will wave over Barber Motorsports Park at 3:30 p.m. ETwith live coverage beginning on NBC Sports Network at 3 p.m. For more information onKerauno and to learn how Kerauno is changing the way businesses communicate andinteract with fans and customers, please visit
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