December 12, 2017
NetEase signs on as official sponsor for French Football Federation

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About Sponsor:

NetEase, Inc. (simplified Chinese: 网易; traditional Chinese: 網易; pinyin: Wǎng Yì) is a Chinese Internet technology company providing online services centered on content, community, communications and commerce. Founded in 1997, the company was a key pioneer in the development of Internet services for China. Today, NetEase develops and operates some of China's online PC and mobile games, advertising services, e-mail services and e-commerce platforms. It is one of the largest video game companies in the world

About Property:

The French Football Federation (FFF) (French: Fédération Française de Football) is the governing body of association football in France, as well as the overseas departments and territories (Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, and Réunion).

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La FFF franchit une nouvelle étape dans sa mission de rayonnement du football français à l'étranger. NetEase Media Technology devient le partenaire média online officiel en Chine de l’Équipe de France jusqu’à la fin de la Coupe du monde 2018 en Russie. L'accord a été signé jeudi à Pékin, en présence de Hua Tian, rédacteur en chef adjoint de NetEase (à droite sur notre photo), et Kenny Jean-Marie, directeur des relations institutionnelles et internationales de la FFF.
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