September 26, 2017

Quaker Oats signs on as official sponsor for James Beard Foundation

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The Quaker Oats Company is an American food conglomerate based in Chicago. It has been owned by Pepsico since 2001.

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The James Beard Foundation is a New York City-based national non-profit culinary arts organization named in honor of James Beard, a prolific food writer, teacher, and cookbook author, who was also known as the "Dean of American Cookery."

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CHICAGO, Sept. 26, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- An astonishing 130 billion pounds of food – mostly nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, dairy and grains – is wasted each year.[1] That's why The Quaker Oats Company, a subsidiary of PepsiCo, Inc., is partnering with the James Beard Foundation (JBF) and Chef Marco Canora to launch "More Taste, Less Waste" which inspires people to re-think the value of food, and in particular, the role that oats can play in transforming foods that would otherwise be thrown away into nutritious, delicious dishes.
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