Semex, headquartered in Guelph, Ontario, is a world renown provider of bovine genetics solutions.
The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is a unique event that takes place every November in the heart of downtown Toronto. The Royal is the largest combined indoor agricultural fair and international equestrian competition in the world. Canadian and International competitors, growers and exhibitors compete to be crowned a Royal Champion and over 300,000 visitors come to learn, compete, shop and have a great time with friends and family. The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is a registered, not-for-profit charity. The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair opened its doors on November 22, 1922 with an astonishing 17,000 agricultural entries and over 150,000 visitors. Now in it’s 93rd year, The Royal continues to hold an important place in the world of agriculture and equestion competition. Many opportunites across varied demographics are available and can provide excellent touchpoints to the public. The Royal Horse Show also provides excellent business to business opportunities and corporate hosting events.