January 17, 2018

Spar signs on as official sponsor for British Athletics

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About Sponsor:

SPAR is an international retail chain and franchise with approximately 12,500 stores in 35 countries worldwide. It was founded in the Netherlands in 1932 by retailer Adriaan van Well. Through its affiliate organisations, Spar operates through most European countries, parts of Africa, Asia and Australia. It has its headquarters in Amsterdam.

About Property:

UK Athletics is the governing body for the sport of athletics in the United Kingdom. It is responsible for overseeing the governance of athletics events in the UK as well as athletes, their development, and athletics officials. UK Athletics introduced the British Athletics brand in 2013 to act as the identity for athletics in the United Kingdom, while UK Athletics continue in the role of governance.

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British Athletics have today announced a three-year sponsorship deal with SPAR (UK) Ltd that will see the UK’s leading convenience store group offer wide-ranging support through to the end of 2020.
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