January 02, 2018

Weight Watchers signs on as official sponsor for DJ Khaled

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Weight Watchers is an international company that offers various dieting products and services to assist weight loss and maintenance. Founded in 1963 by Brooklyn homemaker Jean Nidetch, it now operates in about 30 countries around the world, generally under names that are local translations of “Weight Watchers”. The core philosophy behind Weight Watchers programs is to use a science-driven approach to help participants lose weight by forming helpful habits, eating smarter, getting more exercise and providing support.

About Property:

Khaled Mohamed Khaled (born November 26, 1975)[1] is an American record producer, radio personality, DJ, record label executive and author.

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NEW YORK, Jan. 1, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Weight Watchers International, Inc. (WTW) introduces music magnate, producer and recording artist DJ Khaled as a social media ambassador. DJ Khaled has set out to make a lasting shift and be healthier for himself and for his family, and he is inviting his community to join him on his journey to greatness in the New Year. DJ Khaled was introduced to Weight Watchers through Roc Nation, and together they created this unique relationship.
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