Ferdinand is a 2017 American 3D computer-animated comedy film produced by Blue Sky Studios and 20th Century Fox Animation. It is based on Munro Leaf and Robert Lawson's children's book The Story of Ferdinand and directed by Carlos Saldanha, and stars the voices of John Cena, Kate McKinnon, Anthony Anderson, Bobby Cannavale, Peyton Manning, Gina Rodriguez, Miguel Ángel Silvestre, and David Tennant. read more
Ferdinand is a 2017 American 3D computer-animated comedy film produced by Blue Sky Studios and 20th Century Fox Animation. It is based on Munro Leaf and Robert Lawson's children's book The Story of Ferdinand and directed by Carlos Saldanha, and stars the voices of John Cena, Kate McKinnon, Anthony Anderson, Bobby Cannavale, Peyton Manning, Gina Rodriguez, Miguel Ángel Silvestre, and David Tennant. read more
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