Sports & Athletes - Mixed Martial Arts
Mixed Martial Arts
Pam Sorenson’s next professional MMA Bout is June 24th, 2022 on Bellator MMA and her bout will be taking place in Uncasville, Connecticut. Sorenson will be fighting the one of the top former UFC and now Bellator MMA featherweight contenders Cat Zingano. Pam's combat background strengths are in her grappling and in her kick-boxing game. Pam is in great athletic condition and her athletic attributes have taken her to amazing levels throughout her professional MMA career. She was former Invicta Featherweight Champion and has stepped down to challenge herself in a bigger promotion such as Bellator MMA. Pam will be stepping into the cage with some of the best female fighters in the world! read more
Pam Sorenson’s next professional MMA Bout is June 24th, 2022 on Bellator MMA and her bout will be taking place in Uncasville, Connecticut. Sorenson will be fighting the one of the top former UFC and now Bellator MMA featherweight contenders Cat Zingano. Pam's combat background strengths are in her grappling and in her kick-boxing game. Pam is in great athletic condition and her athletic attributes have taken her to amazing levels throughout her professional MMA career. She was former Invicta Featherweight Champion and has stepped down to challenge herself in a bigger promotion such as Bellator MMA. Pam will be stepping into the cage with some of the best female fighters in the world! read more
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