Industrial Goods & Services
Alrosa (Russian: АЛРОСА) is a Russian group of diamond mining companies that has the leading role in the world diamond mining by volume.[2][3] Alrosa is engaged in the exploration, mining, manufacture and sale of diamonds. Mining takes place in Western Yakutia, Russia, the Arkhangelsk region, Russia and Africa. The Russian Federation is the largest diamond-producing nation in the world. Alrosa is the leading company accounting for 95% of country's production and 28% of the global diamond extraction. read more
Alrosa (Russian: АЛРОСА) is a Russian group of diamond mining companies that has the leading role in the world diamond mining by volume.[2][3] Alrosa is engaged in the exploration, mining, manufacture and sale of diamonds. Mining takes place in Western Yakutia, Russia, the Arkhangelsk region, Russia and Africa. The Russian Federation is the largest diamond-producing nation in the world. Alrosa is the leading company accounting for 95% of country's production and 28% of the global diamond extraction. read more

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