Educational Services Sports Training
health & wellness sports personal health fitness health care sports genetics human performance genetics research health athletic performance coaching sports medicine performance training physical therapy wellness dna dna report dna therapy weight loss strength training agility athlete coach personal trainer gym gladiator extreme sports football basketball baseball olympics running triathalon marathon
Athletigen is a sports genetics company that uses an innovative interface to present sports genetics analysis in a format that athletes and coaches, looking to improve performance, can easily understand and incorporate into their training plan. In January 2016, the Halifax, Nova Scotia-based company raised $1.55 million to accelerate global expansion.
Athletigen is a sports genetics company that uses an innovative interface to present sports genetics analysis in a format that athletes and coaches, looking to improve performance, can easily understand and incorporate into their training plan. In January 2016, the Halifax, Nova Scotia-based company raised $1.55 million to accelerate global expansion.

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