Consumer Electronics Components was founded by a team of three friends that set out to fix a problem all too common to our technology driven generation. Together, the team designed charging cables that utilized the same internal components but added length, durability, and character. Through Apple's MFi Certification program for third-party manufacturers, ChargeCords was able to make use of technology to design charging cables that are both certified and compatible with all devices while providing the extra benefits of being longer and more durable against daily use. read more was founded by a team of three friends that set out to fix a problem all too common to our technology driven generation. Together, the team designed charging cables that utilized the same internal components but added length, durability, and character. Through Apple's MFi Certification program for third-party manufacturers, ChargeCords was able to make use of technology to design charging cables that are both certified and compatible with all devices while providing the extra benefits of being longer and more durable against daily use. read more

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