Technology Social Network
GameOn Technology is a mobile engagement platform for sports fans. Accessible via the GameOn mobile app (iOS / Android) and messenger bots (Slack /Facebook / Skype / Telegram), GameOn lets users engage directly with fellow fans around real-time scores, highlights, and news. GameOn provides a turnkey multi-channel engagement presence for content creators such as podcasters, publishers, professional athletes, and broadcasters. Backed by an investment group including Joe Montana, Snoop Dogg, and Gary Payton, GameOn works directly with current and former professional athletes to grow and monetize their personal brands.
GameOn Technology is a mobile engagement platform for sports fans. Accessible via the GameOn mobile app (iOS / Android) and messenger bots (Slack /Facebook / Skype / Telegram), GameOn lets users engage directly with fellow fans around real-time scores, highlights, and news. GameOn provides a turnkey multi-channel engagement presence for content creators such as podcasters, publishers, professional athletes, and broadcasters. Backed by an investment group including Joe Montana, Snoop Dogg, and Gary Payton, GameOn works directly with current and former professional athletes to grow and monetize their personal brands.

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