Honey Grail wishes to support popular venues and events that serve alcoholic beverages.
Some of the more appealing terms have been on a Cost Per Thousand (CPM) rate of average attendance.
Honey Grail produces three innovative, alternative specialty items:
- Boudica's Uprising: Sparkling Honey Mead
- Nefertiti's Dominion: Citrus Chardonnay Honey Mimosa
- Riptide Renegades: Honey Rum Cider Grog
We seek events that meet the following criteria:
- permitted to serve alcoholic beverages;
- wishes to serve something different than just beer and wine;
- allow sale of our promotional tankards at the drink stations;
- allow advertising or display signage around the venue
Honey Grail wishes to support popular venues and events that serve alcoholic beverages.
Some of the more appealing terms have been on a Cost Per Thousand (CPM) rate of average attendance.
Honey Grail produces three innovative, alternative specialty items:
- Boudica's Uprising: Sparkling Honey Mead
- Nefertiti's Dominion: Citrus Chardonnay Honey Mimosa
- Riptide Renegades: Honey Rum Cider Grog
We seek events that meet the following criteria:
- permitted to serve alcoholic beverages;
- wishes to serve something different than just beer and wine;
- allow sale of our promotional tankards at the drink stations;
- allow advertising or display signage around the venue
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This SponsorPitch page is about Honey Grail and contains information about this organization's sponsorship activity, sponsorship decision makers and sponsorship preferences. This page is not endorsed by or affiliated with Honey Grail, though it may be actively managed and updated by company representatives. If you currently work at this organization, click the Do you work here button to request management privileges. All trademarks, service marks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
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