Health Care & Social Assistance Sports Medicine
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Kadho Sports is a technology startup co-founded by two scientists. As a California-based corporation that started in 2015, it has rapidly gained widespread recognition by the world’s top sports teams for improving their performance. Kadho Sports worked with USA Volleyball to develop a custom volleyball training platform for the National Team players, which improves on-court visual recognition and decision-making skills. Kadho Sports also works with Professional and Collegiate Baseball teams with a platform customized to improve baseball-specific skills. Kadho Sports is committed to combining science and technology so athletes can perform at their best when it matters most.
Kadho Sports is a technology startup co-founded by two scientists. As a California-based corporation that started in 2015, it has rapidly gained widespread recognition by the world’s top sports teams for improving their performance. Kadho Sports worked with USA Volleyball to develop a custom volleyball training platform for the National Team players, which improves on-court visual recognition and decision-making skills. Kadho Sports also works with Professional and Collegiate Baseball teams with a platform customized to improve baseball-specific skills. Kadho Sports is committed to combining science and technology so athletes can perform at their best when it matters most.

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