Beauty & Cosmetics Hair Care
Malibu C is a Salon Hair & Skincare brand for swimmers with products that are 100% vegan and formulated without sodium-thiosulfate and other potentially harsh ingredients. Malibu C was the first company to introduce Wellness Treatments featuring patented formulas using L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and other food- and pharmaceutical-grade wellness ingredients. These unique treatments are customized for various challenges specifically for color treated hair, blondes, scalp irritation, eczema, hard water, sensitive, problematic and aging skin, among other common issues of the hair, scalp and skin.
Malibu C is a Salon Hair & Skincare brand for swimmers with products that are 100% vegan and formulated without sodium-thiosulfate and other potentially harsh ingredients. Malibu C was the first company to introduce Wellness Treatments featuring patented formulas using L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and other food- and pharmaceutical-grade wellness ingredients. These unique treatments are customized for various challenges specifically for color treated hair, blondes, scalp irritation, eczema, hard water, sensitive, problematic and aging skin, among other common issues of the hair, scalp and skin.

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