Restaurants Coffee & Tea
food & beverages cafes tea food and beverages consumer goods consumers
Founded in 2014, MatchaBar currently operates stores in New York's Chelsea and SoHo neighborhoods, as well as a third cafe in Los Angeles! Continuing their mission to bring matcha to the people, MatchaBar launched a ready-to-drink version of their matcha beverages to market in 2015 and the first matcha energy drink Hustle in 2018. MatchaBar currently sells into more than 1,000 accounts, including nationwide Whole Foods distribution.
Founded in 2014, MatchaBar currently operates stores in New York's Chelsea and SoHo neighborhoods, as well as a third cafe in Los Angeles! Continuing their mission to bring matcha to the people, MatchaBar launched a ready-to-drink version of their matcha beverages to market in 2015 and the first matcha energy drink Hustle in 2018. MatchaBar currently sells into more than 1,000 accounts, including nationwide Whole Foods distribution.

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