Automotive Auto Dealer
automotive sales & automotive repair
MileOne is the largest automotive sales and service delivery network in the Mid-Atlantic area with dealerships located throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina. MileOne Automotive represents 29 automobile brands with 76 franchises operating at 40 dealership locations under the Hall, Heritage, Herb Gordon, MotorWorld and Russel Automotive Groups. MileOne also operates 8 collision centers and provides leasing services through Allstate Leasing.
MileOne is the largest automotive sales and service delivery network in the Mid-Atlantic area with dealerships located throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina. MileOne Automotive represents 29 automobile brands with 76 franchises operating at 40 dealership locations under the Hall, Heritage, Herb Gordon, MotorWorld and Russel Automotive Groups. MileOne also operates 8 collision centers and provides leasing services through Allstate Leasing.

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