Entertainment & Recreation Activities Film
Pixar Animation Studios, or simply Pixar , is a computer animation film studio based in Emeryville, California. The studio is best known for its CGI-animated feature films created with PhotoRealistic RenderMan, its own implementation of the industry-standard RenderMan image-rendering application programming interface used to generate high-quality images. Pixar began in 1979 as the Graphics Group, part of the computer division of Lucasfilm before its spin-out as a corporation in 1986 with funding by Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs, who became its majority shareholder.The Walt Disney Company bought Pixar in 2006 at a valuation of $7.4billion, a transaction which made Jobs Disney's largest shareholder. read more
Pixar Animation Studios, or simply Pixar , is a computer animation film studio based in Emeryville, California. The studio is best known for its CGI-animated feature films created with PhotoRealistic RenderMan, its own implementation of the industry-standard RenderMan image-rendering application programming interface used to generate high-quality images. Pixar began in 1979 as the Graphics Group, part of the computer division of Lucasfilm before its spin-out as a corporation in 1986 with funding by Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs, who became its majority shareholder.The Walt Disney Company bought Pixar in 2006 at a valuation of $7.4billion, a transaction which made Jobs Disney's largest shareholder. read more

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