Consumer Goods, Retail, & Services Toys
scooters wheeled goods electric scooters innovative electric rideons active life go karts shopping toy stores
RazorUSA LLC, better known as Razor, is an American designer and manufacturer of electric personal transporters. The company was founded in Cerritos, California in 2000 by Carlton Calvin and JD Corporation.[1] Razor also owns the RipStik, Sole Skate, and Pocket Pros brands.[2] Media, Sponsorship, Influencer Relations, Television and Movie Product Placement: [email protected] read more
RazorUSA LLC, better known as Razor, is an American designer and manufacturer of electric personal transporters. The company was founded in Cerritos, California in 2000 by Carlton Calvin and JD Corporation.[1] Razor also owns the RipStik, Sole Skate, and Pocket Pros brands.[2] Media, Sponsorship, Influencer Relations, Television and Movie Product Placement: [email protected] read more

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