Apparel, Clothing, & Fashion Footwear
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The Rockport Company is a manufacturer of shoes based in Canton, Massachusetts. Founded in Marlborough, Massachusetts in 1971 by Bruce Katz, the company produces footwear and operates stores in the United States and 66 countries around the world. It was purchased in 1985 by Reebok, today a subsidiary of German shoe company Adidas. Their shoes are characterized by having a shock-absorbing adiPRENE by adidas cushioning on the inside of the shoe to protect the heel at impact, and using premium full-grain leathers. This makes their dress shoes very comfortable while looking dressy at the same time. read more
The Rockport Company is a manufacturer of shoes based in Canton, Massachusetts. Founded in Marlborough, Massachusetts in 1971 by Bruce Katz, the company produces footwear and operates stores in the United States and 66 countries around the world. It was purchased in 1985 by Reebok, today a subsidiary of German shoe company Adidas. Their shoes are characterized by having a shock-absorbing adiPRENE by adidas cushioning on the inside of the shoe to protect the heel at impact, and using premium full-grain leathers. This makes their dress shoes very comfortable while looking dressy at the same time. read more

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